SMS popup
- SMS popup is shown (if enabled in Settings) for every SMS you receive
- If your phone is on standby (screen is off) and you receive SMS, popup will show up when you turn your phone on, or when unlock the screen
- If you receive more SMS at once, after closing the first shown SMS popup, TopSMS will immediately show next received SMS automatically in a new popup.
- Possibility to PLAY received SMS by Text-To-Speech of your phone.
Widget for SMS Actions
- TopSMS includes home-screen widget, showing sms action panel
- Widget can be placed anywhere on the screen
- Actions: Show last SMS / Compose new / Continue with draft / Go to original SMS app
Sending SMS
- Every sent SMS is stored in the original SMS application of your phone
- TopSMS shows notification if the message was successfuly sent
- If enabled in settings, delivery notification is shown for every sent SMS
- Possible to send SMS to multiple recepients
- You can add recepients from contacts list, or by typing a number
Saving drafts
- If you start to type a message, but you close the popup, the message is saved as draft
- Draft is shown next time you choose to compose sms
- SMS is stored as draft also in the original SMS app
- Draft are saved also if you choose "Reply" to incoming SMS, but reply is not sent.
Other features
- Starts automatically after boot
- Marks shown messages as read in the original SMS application
- Writing and receiving long messages (more than 160 characters)